This weekend we spent in Edmonton. On Friday we had an orientation day with other Exchange Teachers from Australia and Canada. The weekend organised by the Alberta Teachers Association was terrific. It was a very useful catching up with fellow Australian exchangees learning from their experiences of settling in and what is planned for the rest of the year.
The highlight was meeting former Canadian exchangees and listening to their adventures in Australia and other places. A huge thank you to all those involved in organising and helping us over the excellent weekend.
A small section of the many Canadian and Australian teachers, family and friends at the Exchane Teachers social. evening. |
One for Christmas Card collection. |
Some special images on our way to the exchange social. |
We enjoyed the Ice festival in Edmonton.during the day and beautifully lite up in the evening. |
Top ice sculpture is called women in mirror.
A snow Budda representing the China - Canada relationship at the Ice festival in Edmonton. |
Where am I again? |
Miss Piggy |
Our Budda takes on a different hue in the evening. |
Click on the image to really appreciate the beauty and creativity of these ice sculptures. |
No visit to Edmonton would be complete without a visit to the former largest "Mall" in the world!!
A small section of the monolith of capitalism. |
Yes, there is a beach with waves in the 'shopping centre' - and no worries about sunburn or flies. |

Despite all the fun and credit card opportunities in the West Edmonton Mall the best place for a shop was the Old Strathcone Farmers Market.
Ah Michael, you have adapted well to our Canadian winters. You even have your parka unzipped on a warm winters day!