.In no particular order, except saving the most missed till last, the continuing saga of what we will miss about Canada.
76) Basements
– Australian men have their sheds – Canadians
have their basements. What an eminently good idea to double the size of a house
by digging into the ground. An entertainment space bonanza – no wonder the
Beatles were so successful having started in their basement!
77) Museums
– Hamlet, village, town, city – you are not on
the map in Canada unless you have a museum. And what an Aladdin’s cave inside. Everyday
history brought to life; lovingly preserved by volunteers, most of whom are
older than and just as fascinating as the exhibits.
78) Park wash-room hand cleaning – You can be hundreds of miles
from the nearest hint of contemporary civilisation; a million fir trees for
company; the obligatory aqua blue lake and snow capped peak; you have trekked
for hours and finally stumble on a much anticipated wash-room. And would you
believe it? Not only does Parks Canada provide toilet paper but there is a full
container of alcohol hand sanitiser for when you have finished. You just have
to love this country.
79) Colloquial
conversation/vernacular values/exceptional expletives - Whilst
Canadians are not adverse to venting the spleen with some colourful language,
it is the exception rather than the rule. Using curses, oaths and swear words
appeared unnecessary; perhaps because the spirited conversations we were engaged in did
not involve politics, religion or sex. Stephen Harper, giving out cigars to
female interns at Christmas, didn’t bear thinking aboot.
80) Canadian Geese in flight – In
addition to the sheer beauty of watching their ambient flight, the V formation
could be indicatively Canadian – the shape enables the geese to support one
another, each taking turns in the front while others benefit from the wind
resistance; the shape also makes it easier to keep track of every bird in the
81) Smokin’
Stampede (Beer & Chipotle BBQ sauce) – We
are amazed this culinary delight is not gracing every BBQ event around the
world. It ranks along side pure maple syrup as an export to cure Canada of her
overseas debt.
82) Bear
cubs – One look at a bear cub and we understand why
the teddy bear is such a popular cuddly toy. Koala’s may look cute, but they
only sit in trees all day and wee on you if you get too close. Bear cubs behave
just like puppies and kittens and evoke a tidal wave of protective affection –
despite being shadowed by 300 pounds of hairy belligerence.
83) CBC’s
Michael Enright – I will miss his insight into Canadian political
and social life. Never afraid to confront difficult issues, always appearing
open minded and as Australians like to say “gives
everyone a fair go”.
84) Pot Luck – Nothing
to do with Cannabis; everything to do with eating yourself silly with a myriad
of dishes provided by a group of people that bring enough food to feed a small
African country for a week.
85) Curling – No
wonder Canadian homes are so clean. So many men, women and children with
brooms. We are going to miss the enthusiastic, animated shouting of “harder” and almost chess like
strategies to get rocks in the house. We know it is infinitely harder than it
looks. Unfortunately the only curlers we will be mixing with in Australian are
those you twist you hair around.
86) Caribou – Is
it an antler thing? Why do moose and caribou look so goofy but so imposing? We
only saw Alaskan caribou but the thrill
of seeing the endangered animals in the distance will be revisited with every Rudolf
we see this Christmas.
87) Toque (Tuque) – French
for knitted hat of every style, shape and colour. Eminently suited to the
Canadian climate. Don’t be a sook, if you took a toque you just might be a

89) Autumn leaves – Not
in our backyard but anywhere else the crunch, colour and cavalier movement in
the wind makes fall a magic time to be outside.

91) Recycling – Whilst
recycling is common in most towns and cities around the world – it is the sheer
number of things we were able to recycle and the ease of collection that we
will miss. In fact if we are in Canada when I am close to meeting my maker, I
am sure I will be suitably re-cycled.
92) Nearly Bug free days – We
must have picked a particularly good year for the lack of annoying flying bugs.
We were warned that the mosquitoes up north are so prolific they can carry off
some of the smaller RV’s. We only went through one repellent bottle, although
sometimes we did have to resort to a
shovel on our windscreen, rather than the ineffective scraper.
93) Chuck Wagon racing – Trotting
on crack – we will certainly miss the helter skelter action of wagons, hooves
and reins hurtling round a dust track at break neck speed. It certainly didn’t
need any additional adrenalin, in the form of betting, to add to the excitement.
94) Visiting the World’s/Canada’s Largest things –
Only limited by imagination and the occasional
engineering impossibility; we witnessed a
‘gigantesque’ (plural for heaps of big things!) array of BIG things. Pyrogy,
Pysanka, Starship or Sausage, you name it and the world’s biggest version is in
Canada somewhere. We are certainly going to miss scanning the map and the list
to see how many of these icons we could cross off on each trip. Check out : http://www.bigthings.ca/
95) Yellow School Buses – If
it ain’t broke don’t fix it. The adage of the North American school bus colour
and design. The glossy yellow transport carrier looks the same today as it must
have done when Adam caught the bus to school. The easy to see colour and distinctive
design sub-consciously tell all motorists to take extra care; just like the
buzz of a bee heightens our awareness.

96) Regular Public Holidays – How
sensible are the Canadians – name a month and there is likely to be a public
holiday in there somewhere. June looks a little bare, but 1st July is Canada
day so not too long to wait for the next long weekend. January = New Years Day,
February = Family Day, March/April =
Easter, May = Victoria Day, July = Canada Day, August = Civic holiday/August
long weekend, September = Labour Day, October = Thanksgiving, November = Remembrance
Day, December = Christmas.
97) Garage Sale Season – Spring
sees the willing buds break through the hardened soil, flowers start their
journey towards the light, buds spring forth from naked twigs and garage sale
signs magically appear on strategic corners. As the days get longer and warmer,
so the number of signs multiply until a carpet of cardboard messages tell the
locals of bargains to be had, pre-loved treasures to be purchased and junk to
be swapped from one garage to the next. Tis
a shame when the first signs of winter close the garage doors and the hues of
haggling and banter of bartering fall silent for another season.
98) Christmas card scenery – Santa
in a thick red suit , warm toque and sleigh seems more comfortable in a snow
covered scene than battling sand, dust and scorching temperatures. Songs about a white Christmas, I think, refer
to the gentle covering of snow flakes more than the white shimmering heat of
the southern hemisphere. Whilst it is not the true meaning of Christmas in
future years we will miss the Christmas lights shining amidst the darkening, freezing
afternoon suggesting the excitement of
the festive season.
99) Decent size roads and parking spaces – Thankfully
Canadian civil engineers had the foresight to design roads and car parks to
match the titanic vehicles driven on Canadian roads. Apart from the West
Edmonton Mall, that thinks we all drive Fiat Panda’s, I managed to park our Jeep
without incident. I also felt comfortable not side swiping anyone on most roads.
Unfortunately a little snow and three lanes suddenly become one, car parks
become war zones and no matter how wide the roads the ditches are always too
close for the sliding car.
100) Canadian accent – Not
quiet lyrical but certainly a hint of melodious overtones, we will miss the now
familiar pitch of the prairie tongue. Only occasionally did we require
sub-titles but we sometimes even need those for the all too familiar, but
vaguely forgotten, Australian drawl.
saving until last the thing we are going to miss the most:
101) Canadians – We
are going to miss being treated like Australian royalty. Always welcoming,
warm, friendly and interested. Never is anything too much of a bother. If Nations
are measured by the quality of their citizens, Canada would be competing for top
spot. And the good news for us – the mountains, lakes, rivers, prairies, wildlife
have to stay in Canada – our Canadian friends can come and visit us in
Au Revoir Canada –
Thank you for such a memorable year.